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Expired 2001 ILCA #171167

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Price $
2001 ILCA/Laser Hull, Rudder, Center Board

Asking $2,500 USD

Good condition except for a few gel coat patches on the bow, it is watertight.

I used it as my practice boat for 2 seasons, it would make a great practice boat for an experienced sailor or first boat for a new sailor.

Rust dots on the blades were from previous owners storage and don’t affect performance. Center board has chipped edge.

I’m selling it with the blades and deck hardware only (though I have various other rigging/equipment including mast sections and sails if interested)
Rust dots on the blades were from previous owners storage and don’t affect performance.
The rust actually has nothing to do with storage. It’s a typical sign that the internal steel structure has gotten wet at some point. You’re right in that it doesn’t affect performance... yet. Those blades look like they’re at a stage where they could start deteriorating very fast, and are worth only as training or spare equipment.

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